Is Your Cashflow Working For You Or Against You?

There is a reason the cliché 'cash is king' resonates. Adequate cash flow gives you the freedom to focus on the future of your business. Having the best product or service is not enough if cash doesn't flow freely.

Tracking cash flow lets you know where you stand so you can anticipate and direct change. Managing cash flow puts you in the driver’s seat allowing you to do what you want with your business.

Download our Coker James free cash flow worksheet to begin the journey to cash freedom.

A cash flow worksheet provides clarity and helps visualize your future, building confidence to make decisions that move the business towards your goals.

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Meet one of our Principals
Donna J. Briggs, CPA, MTx

Donna is a Principal with Coker James and handles the firm’s tax practice. Her areas of expertise include corporate and partnership taxation, multi-state taxation, individual tax issues and planning, estate and gift taxation, and representation before the Internal Revenue Service. Donna has thirty years of experience in both public and private sectors of the industry. Prior to joining Coker James in 1998, she was the Controller of a closely held corporation and a partner in a public accounting firm.

Finding the right trusted advisor means accurate information and minimized taxes.